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Privacy Policy


This Personal Data Protection Policy details the CHALHOUB policy with regard to personal data provided on its websites and and (the “Website”).

CHALHOUB respects your concerns regarding the confidentiality of personal information and data provided by you. By providing your personal information and data, you consent to the use, analysis and, where applicable, disclosure of such information by us for purposes associated in particular with your requests for our newsletters, press releases and recruitment messages. Consequently, we encourage you to read this policy carefully. This Personal Data Protection Policy applies to all personal data provided by you on our Website.

CHALHOUB may collect and process the following data about you

Information you give us. You may give us information about you by filling in forms on the Website or by corresponding with us by phone, e-mail or otherwise. This includes information you provide when you register to receive our Newsletter or participate in discussion boards or other social media functions on the Website (this includes Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter and Tumblr) and when you report a problem with our Website. The information you give us may include your name, address, e-mail address and phone number, personal description and photograph.

Information CHALHOUB collects about you. With regard to each of your visits to the Website CHALHOUB may automatically collect the following information:

  • technical information, including the Internet protocol (IP) address used to connect your computer to the Internet, your login information, browser type and version, time zone setting, browser plug-in types and versions, operating system and platform;
  • information about your visit, including the full Uniform Resource Locators (URL) clickstream to, through and from the Website (including date and time); page response times, download errors, length of visits to certain pages, page interaction information (such as scrolling, clicks, and mouse-overs), and methods used to browse away from the page and any phone number used to call our customer service number.


The Website uses cookies to distinguish you from other users of the Website. A cookie is a small file of letters and numbers that we put on your computer. This helps us to provide you with a good experience when you browse the Website and also allows us to improve the Website.

CHALHOUB uses data held about you in the following ways:

Information you give to us. CHALHOUB will use this information:

  • to provide you with information about goods and services CHALHOUB offers;
  • to notify you about changes to our service;
  • to ensure that content from the Website is presented in the most effective manner for you and for your computer.

Information CHALHOUB collects about you. CHALHOUB will use this information:

  • to administer the Website and for internal operations, including troubleshooting, data analysis, testing, research, statistical and survey purposes;
  • to improve the Website to ensure that content is presented in the most effective manner;
  • to allow you to participate in interactive features of our service;
  • as part of our efforts to keep the Website safe and secure;
  • to measure or understand the effectiveness of advertising CHALHOUB serves to you and
  • to make suggestions and recommendations about goods or services that may interest you.

Disclosure of your information

CHALHOUB may share your personal information with any member of the CHALHOUB Group, which means its subsidiaries, its ultimate holding company and its subsidiaries.

Protection of your data and respect of your privacy

CHALHOUB has made every effort to put in place suitable precautions to safeguard the security and privacy of personal data, and to prevent it from being altered, corrupted, destroyed or accessed by unauthorized third parties.

However, CHALHOUB does not control each and every risk related to the use of the Internet, and therefore warns visitors of the potential risks involved in the functioning and use of the Internet.

CHALHOUB will treat your data subject to the UAE legislation.

This legislation allows you to access, rectify and delete any personal information by submitting a written notice to the following address: M.C.T. FZE a Jebel Ali Free Zone establishment organized and existing under the laws of Dubai, under the Trading Licence 04616 domiciled at PO Box 261075, Jebel Ali, Dubai –United Arab Emirates. Tel.: + 971 (0) 4 804 55 00 FAO: M.C.T FZE Business Development Division.


Any changes CHALHOUB may make to this Personal Data Protection Policy in the future will be posted on this page. Please check frequently to see any updates or changes to it.


Questions, comments and requests regarding this policy are welcomed and should be addressed to M.C.T. FZE a Jebel Ali Free Zone establishment organized and existing under the laws of Dubai, under the Trading Licence 04616 domiciled at PO Box 261075, Jebel Ali, Dubai –United Arab Emirates. Tel.: + 971 (0) 4 804 55 00 FAO: M.C.T FZE Business Development Division.


This legal notice describes the conditions of use of our websites and (the “Website”).

By connecting to the Website, you acknowledge that you have read understood and accepted without limitation or reservation these conditions of use and undertake to respect them.

The Website is owned and operated by

M.C.T. FZE a Jebel Ali Free Zone Establishment organized and existing under the laws of the Emirate of Dubai, under the Trading Licence 04616 domiciled at PO Box 261075, Jebel Ali, Dubai –United Arab Emirates. Tel.: + 971 (0) 4 804 55 00 (“CHALHOUB”)


CHALHOUB commits itself to ensuring, to the best of its ability, that the information posted on the Website is correct and up-to-date. CHALHOUB reserves the right to correct the Website's content at any time and without notice. However, CHALHOUB cannot guarantee the correctness, precision, thoroughness or completeness of the information available on the Website.


You acknowledge that (i) it is technically impossible that the Website will be provided free of defaults and that CHALHOUB cannot take any responsibility for this, (ii) that defaults may lead to the temporary unavailability of the Website, and that (iii) the operation of the Website may be adversely affected by conditions and performances outside CHALHOUB’s control, such as, for example, transmission and telecommunication links between CHALHOUB and you and between CHALHOUB and other systems and networks.

CHALHOUB and/or its suppliers may, at any time, temporarily or in permanently modify or interrupt, all or part of the Website in order to perform maintenance work and/or make improvements and/or changes to the Website. CHALHOUB is not liable for any modification to or suspension or interruption of the Website.

Limitation of liability

The materials in the Website and all other sites are provided “as is”, without any kind of warranty, whether express or implied. CHALHOUB does not offer any express or implied warranty relative without limitation to their merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.

CHALHOUB cannot be held liable:

for any use of, or interruption or unavailability of the Website;
for any loss of data;
for any bugs, virus, or other technologically harmful material that may infect your computer equipment, due to your use of the Website or to your downloading of any content on it, or on any website linked to it;
for any errors or omissions contained in the information available on the Website;
for any and all damage resulting from a third party's fraudulent intrusion which causes modifications to the information contained on the Website;
for any direct or indirect damage, whatever its cause or causes, nature, origins or consequences. This includes profit, client and data losses or any other loss of material goods arising from anyone's access or failed access to the Website, or any credit granted or reliance made to information coming directly or indirectly from the Website.


The Website may include links to other websites or other Internet sources. CHALHOUB cannot control these sites and external sources. Hence, CHALHOUB cannot be held responsible for those sites or external sources, and declines any responsibility for the content, advertising, products, services and any other material available on or branching off those sites and external sources. In addition, CHALHOUB cannot be held responsible for any damage or losses, true or alleged, deriving from the use or from having trusted the content, or goods and services available on those sites or external sources.

Intellectual property rights

All information or documents (text, animated or static images, databases, sounds, photographs, know-how or cited products), trademarks, logos and domain names contained in the Website as well as all elements created for the Website and its general structure are either the property of CHALHOUB or the companies within the CHALHOUB Group or are subject to rights to use, duplicate or communicate to the public that have been granted to such.

This information, documents and items are subject to international laws protecting copyright insofar as they have been made available to the public via this Website. No licence or any right other than to view the Website has been granted to any party with regard to intellectual property rights.

Duplication of Website documents is authorized solely as information for personal and private usage. Any duplication or usage of copies made for other purposes is formally prohibited and subject to prior and formal authorization by CHALHOUB. In all cases, authorized duplication of information stored in this Website must cite the source and make adequate references as to proprietary.


CHALHOUB may update these conditions of use of the Website at any time, without notice. Consequently, you are invited to regularly refer to the latest conditions of use in effect.  

Applicable law

The Website and its content are governed by the Laws of the Emirate of Dubai and the federal laws if the United Arab Emirates. Any possible litigation referring to the Website and its content will come under the competence of the courts of the Emirate of Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

The Website is hosted by EnterpriseAlumni

Design & website development: EnterpriseAlumni